Vegan Activism: Spreading Awareness and Encouraging Change

Image by kalhh from Pixabay
Image by estudioconceito via Freepik

Throughout this semester, we have explored various topics related to gender and the environment that I had not previously given much consideration to. However, one particular topic that has piqued my interest is vegan feminism. Growing up in a traditional Portuguese-Brazilian family where churrasco (cookouts/BBQ) is a staple at family gatherings, I never thought about how my meat consumption was contributing to environmental destruction and the oppression of women and non-human animals.

Image by Catherine H Villanueva Gardner

As I delved deeper into the works of Curtin, Eisenberg, and Gaard, I was struck by the powerful connection between meat-eating and patriarchy. It was eye-opening for me to learn how the meat industry perpetuates patriarchal norms and reinforces the subjugation of those who are already disadvantaged by men. This realization caused me to reflect on my own contribution to the exploitation society considers acceptable and opened my mind to the idea that vegan feminism can be a form of activism.

These animals are often subjected to horrific conditions, including confinement, artificial insemination, and premature slaughter. Additionally, the production of animal products contributes significantly to deforestation, water pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions, which disproportionately affect women and other marginalized groups.

Image Credit: F.L. Fowler/Fifty Shades of Chicken

As a feminist, I strongly believe in the intersectionality of different forms of oppression, including sexism, racism, and environmental degradation. As an ecofeminist, I have decided to take a personal action to reduce one pressing environmental issue, the exploitation of female farm animals in the meat and dairy industry.

Image by GlinskajaOlga via iStock

I have decided to go completely vegan for a week as a powerful way to reduce my carbon footprint, contribute to the fight against climate change and its impact on the environment, as well as a personal way to show solidarity with female animals. By abstaining from all animal products, I will also take a stand against the oppression and exploitation of animals while showing respect for the lives saved by eating a vegan diet.

Image by Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke from Pixabay
Image by Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke from Pixabay
Image by Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke from Pixabay

In addition to the ethical and environmental reasons for adopting a vegan lifestyle, there are also numerous health benefits associated with this choice. Research has shown that a plant-based diet can lower the risk of heart disease, cancer, and obesity, among other health conditions. By eliminating animal products from my diet, I am reducing my intake of saturated fats, cholesterol, and other harmful substances that are prevalent in animal-based foods.

Image by Physicians Committee

While it can be challenging to give up a lifelong diet that includes meat and dairy products, I am willing to make this change in order to reap the health, as well as the environmental benefits of a vegan lifestyle. I understand that it may take time to adjust to new dietary habits and to learn how to prepare satisfying vegan meals, but I am committed to giving it my best effort.

Although the initial transition may be difficult, I know that I will feel better physically and mentally as a result of my choice. Moreover, I recognize that my decision to adopt a vegan lifestyle has far-reaching implications, not just for my own health but also for the health of the planet and the lives of non-human animals.

Image by

As I continue to learn more about ecofeminism and vegan food choices, I am inspired to act and advocate for change. I hope to share what I have learned with my family and friends and encourage them to consider the ethical and environmental implications of their dietary choices. By raising awareness and promoting compassionate, sustainable living, I believe we can create a more just and equitable world for all beings.

Image by Livestock2 via

Finally, I believe that leading by example is one of the most effective ways to inspire change. By living a vegan lifestyle and demonstrating how it is possible to enjoy delicious, nutritious meals without animal products, I hope to encourage others to consider making changes in their own lives. Overall, I believe that my decision to go vegan aligns with my feminist values and allows me to make a positive impact on the environment and animal welfare.

Image by Carol Adams

“Vegan-feminism is an intervention that critiques and is visionary, that looks at individuals and at social structures, that deconstructs but also offers solutions. Vegan-feminism is always a question of now”  ~ Carol Adams

For those interested, here is a helpful  beginner friendly 7-day vegan meal plan.

2 Replies to “Vegan Activism: Spreading Awareness and Encouraging Change”

  1. Hi Rose,

    I think this is going to be a fantastic choice. I abide by a vegetarian lifestyle and already face a lot of challenges so best of luck to you in this journey. One of the thing I’ve found is using beans or tofu as a way to stay on top of my protein intake. Another piece of advice I’d like to offer is make sure you drink plenty of water and find veggies rich in vitamins, especially iron. I have an iron deficiency and it’s very common for those who follow vegetarian and vegan lifestyles since red meat is a huge source for iron. I take supplements and vitamins, but I would consult a doctor before deciding to take anything. I also wouldn’t suggest taking anything if you’re only choosing to go vegan for a week as it could cause medical issues. As a vegetarian, it can be hard to find good options for meals but I use Pinterest or for ideas.

    Like you, I had no idea how heavily connected women and animal rights were until we discussed it in class. It baffles me to see such an insane overlap. That week had me in such a blind rage. The derogatory messages that so many restaurants use to lure in customers is disgusting. Both women and animals deserve better. I wish you the best of luck in this learning curve and hope it doesn’t give you much of a challenge!

    1. Hi Lizzy,

      Thank you for your suggestion of using beans or tofu to stay on top of protein intake. I also bought some nutritional yeast to add to my cooking, hopefully that will help. The first full day wasn’t bad, let’s see what day two brings.

      I agree with you on the overlap between women’s rights and animal rights, and I was truly surprised at how society has normalized the exploitation and mistreatment of both groups. I too was shocked by the derogatory messages that many restaurants use to promote their meat dishes. It was disappointing to see how ingrained the societal belief that meat is the center of a meal is, and how it’s tied to masculinity and dominance. I am hoping that by taking this small step towards a vegan lifestyle, I can contribute to it in my own small way.

      Again, thank you for your encouragement and support.

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